How to test in BBIS

Keep in mind that all the forms in this environment are examples for testing. The text, configuration, confirmation and email acknowledgement language are only placeholders that will be updated by your team for go-live. 

Forms in this environment are using a test merchant account. This allows us to test the forms with a test credit card instead of a real one. Please use the card information below. 

Credit Card for testing purposes: 4111 1111 1111 1111
Expiration: Any Future Date
Security Code: 123

Please review and approve the following pages:

Style Guide - example of all the basic headers and fonts in the site 

Donation Forms

St. Peter Foundation - Olympia

Designation Search Form  

Employee Giving Example 

Mini Donation Form

Providence Way Brick Paver Form

Event Registration Forms 

Event 2.0


Email Preferences Form 

To test the Email Preferences form, you will need to view the page as a constituent. To mimic this functionality, please follow the steps below.

  1. Login to the site here:
  2. Username is:  bbistest  and password is:  bbistest
  3. Once logged in, navigate to the email preferences page: 

Email Templates